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Welcome to my blog!! :3


Welcome to my blog, my name is Annisa, I love movie, music, comics, and I want a prince who looks like Billie Joe Armstrong. Is that too much?


Theme by: Luana A.


Jumat, 01 Juni 2012 20.34

Now Playing- Suppose
Suppose that I missed you
Suppose that I cared
And suppose that I've spent all my nights running scared
And suppose that I was never there

Oke. akhir2 ini ga tau kenapa, flu berat. kalo tidur tuh harus nafas pake mulut. tenggorokan juga sakitnya ga wajar. ga ada nafsu makan sama sekali. tapi entah kenapa kepala ga pusing sama sekali \:D/

curhat dikit boleh kan. ya entah kenapa selama flu bawaannya malah galau. Sering ngeliatin HP, sambil ngeharapin dia SMS/nelpon. tinggi banget emang hayalannya. Ngarepin dia bilang 'GWS nis' ha-ha. ga mungkin nis, ga bakalan.

Nowplay- Only Hope
my beating heart is getting tired
tonight it feels like it's on fire
and I'm driving all alone
my hand is on my phone
waiting for you to call me
please pick up the phone and call me
cause I'm lonely and my mind is aching

Ga tau harus apa. ga tau harus gimana. sebenernya sih ga mau jadi galau2 ga jelas kaya gini. Ga mau. tapi setiap bangun tidur pasti otak langsung nginget nama dia. hmph. Dear heart, Why him? dia itu kelewat nakal. dia sering keluar masuk BK. Tapi kenapa dia? kenapa ga orang yang pinter, alim, kalem? kenapa? ga ngerti sekali sama jalan pikiran. jelas2 banyak yang lebih wow dari dia. banyak yang lebih. banyak.

kalo kalian ngeliat dia lagi ketawa, ketawanya dia tuh adorable banget. kalian harus liat gimana dia ketawa. aw. jadi serasa pengen nyubit pipinya. haha. is this what they called love? 

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